Last week, I challenged myself to make my writing a priority by writing first thing in the morning. Every day, for a week.
And I’m happy to report I did just that!

Every day this past week, I woke up at my normal time and wrote first thing. I didn’t really change how long I wrote, and my daily word counts stayed about the same (as you’ll see in my totals below). I just changed the time of day I was writing.
But oh macaroni, did it make a huge difference.
Since I’d just woken up, my mind was fresh and not yet full of distractions. I wasn’t drained from work or worried about the evenings’s to-do list. My creativity well was full of ideas and energy and made focusing on my writing so much easier. Pouring words out first thing in the mornings felt amazing!
It also meant that I was able to utilize my evenings for my other creative pursuits, hang out with my husband, or relax and recharge from the day. ‘Cause I don’t know about y’all, but while I love writing, I love a lot of other things too. It was so rewarding being able to tackle a little of all the things I love each day, instead of scrambling for time to accomplish only one or two items on my list. For once, in forever, I went to bed every night without feeling guilty about all the things I didn’t get to.
By writing in the mornings, it made my whole day more productive.
It made me happier.
And it made me even more excited to dive into my writing the next morning.
So if you’re in a bit of a rut, I’d highly recommend shifting when you write. At least for a week. It never hurts to try. :)

My mood regarding the past week: Blissful
My mood for this coming week: Oo, the story is getting really exciting, and I can’t hardly wait to write more!
Other insights: I have a very creative job and, while that’s fun on a lot of levels, sometimes at the end of my work day, I’ll have zero creative energy left for my own projects in the evenings. But by writing in the mornings this past week, I found that I had enough creative energy for my own writing + my work. Win, win!
That's it for now. Til next week!